Sunday, 17 July 2011

HG 1/144 Deathscythe finally completed!

Thanks to the long weekend I just had. I have finally finished painting this kit. I also made a small modification for the kit to be mounted on an action base or figma stand. And the wings are now stuck in their current position(with some plastic cement) because they used to keep on falling-off, so no closed cloak it seems.

Here are the pics of the completed model.

The small mod that I did here was just to cut-off that encircled part, add in filler to the gap and used a spare polycap from another old kit to act as the socket for the mount

Some "headshots":

And now some fight with other Gundams:

Last pic, my favorite pose:

So, what do you guys think?

Now to finish my Panda Models 1/48 X-35.